There are two kinds of trust viz. (1) Private / Family Trust (2) Public Charitable Trust. Private or family Trusts are formed for protecting and safeguarding Interest of Certain persons in the family such as minors, aged persons etc, as well as for implementing desire of the executant of trust. This trust is not required to be registered and is governed and implemented by the trustees as per powers given to them by the Deed of Trust.
However, Public Charitable Trusts are formed and registered under the provisions of Bombay Public Trust Act 1950. For sale and purchase of immovable properties in the name of trust requires permission from the Charity Commissioner. The Public Trusts are supervised, controlled by the Charity Commissioner, the reason being trustees are answerable to the Public at large. To protect and safeguard interest of the Trust is paramount duty of the Trustees.
We form and register the said Public Charitable Trusts for charitable, educational purposes. We undertake all work relating to the trust and trust properties viz. obtaining permission/s for sale and purchase of the properties, submission of annual reports, change reports. If there is any dispute amongst the trustees or between trustees and outsiders, the same is referred before Charity Commissioner and we appear in those matter for and on behalf of our clients.